Sunday, October 19, 2008

Video: Mike Johanns on Travelgate

Big thanks to Lisa Hannah who captured this video:

Another big thanks to Lisa for posting this testimony from former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman refuting what Johanns said above:
QUESTIONER: To what extent did the Offce of Political Affairs, during your tenure, get involved with the travel of the Cabìnet Secretaries?

MEHLMAN: We would certainly advise places they mìght consider going. And if they were doing purely partisan, a fund raiser, for instance, we would try to encourage them to think about doing them in certain places.

QUESTIONER: And is it fair to say that when a Cabinet Secretary makes a public appearance, the publìc appearance could be the result of the Cabinet Secretary and the agency on its own determinìng that?

MEHLMAN: Absolutely.

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